Saturday, August 4, 2012

Swimming Pools and When To Say "Excuse Me"

Monday, August 4, 1952

Dear Andrew and John,

I don't have such to tell you. No sale for the house as yet and I'm starting to getting a little of the jitters. I 'phoned Cousin Ann today and learned that Cousin Claire has been ordered to stay home for a week or two and was just then leaving for the doctor's. Right after that (noontime) I called Aunt Helen and told her we hoped August 18th was a definite moving date and she said she had heard from you and that Uncle Andy was doing very well, better than they expected.

I picked up the family at Annie Clapsaddle's on Friday. Or rather I stayed to dinner first and when Ann suggested we leave a little after seven I noticed there was no objection from Mrs. C. Stevie, they said, had the time of his life. They had one of those inflatable swimming pools and he would run across the yard and fall full length in the water. Every time he takes a bath now he buries his head in the water and bubbles away. When I walked out in the back yard out there I found Kathy two inches away from a pit black wasp blowing in his face. The wasp didn't hurt her but went right over and bit Mike. I put iodine on it and it is still sore but not painful. By the time we got one block away, they were all asleep and didn't awaken till seven on Saturday morning. Stephen was standing on the back seat of the car looking out the window, too quietly I thought, and when Arlene turned to investigate from where she was reading, she found him sound asleep standing up.

Saturday it was rainy in the morning and hot and humid in the afternoon. We stayed close to home except for store shopping for groceries. Sunday was also quiet and we took a short ride about six coming back the new highway at Montgomery Road where the Varsity has opened a new place called the "Pig'N Whistle". I read an ad in the Argus about an opening special on home made ice cream at 95¢ a half gallon and as I had my rider money I treated the family. For some reason I have been off ice cream for about a year and I bet you're ljst the opposite, especially if you can't get it. Back to Saturday night movie TV, the two non-commercial movies presented by ABC were pretty sad; No. 1: Almost Sixteen with Gale Storm and Robert Henry; No. 2: Criminal Investigator with Robert Lowery and Edith Fellows. The Gunther Playhouse was a little better. You may have seen "Raw Deal" with Dennis O'Keefe, Claire Trevor, and Marsha Hunt. One of those he breaks out of jail and they hunt him down while he's hunting somebody else.

We were still laughing over Aunt Hannah's Monroe Street slogan and John's back slapping. The slogan has also been going around, Edmondson Village by Christmas. I don't know if Ann told you about Mike and his children's bright saying, but I'll repeat it. He was engrossed in a book and Kathy was sitting beside him on the couch. She made a very unladylike noise through her little bottom and Michael, without turning away from his book said, "When you do that, Kathy, you're supposed to put your hand over your mouth and say 'Excuse me'."

More as the week and other things progress, we hope.


Editor's Notes:
Charles' family is moving from Catonsville.

Next Posting: August 6, 1952

Copyright 2012 Stephen A Conner

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