Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Four Is Not Enough

Thursday, August 14.

Dear Andrew and John,

No more news-no prospects. At this moment I'm not sure whether we're going to complete the transaction and not just because of not selling 25. I guess I shouldn't put this on paper, but I will anyhow. Yesterday, Mrs. B. called Ann at home to confirm our meeting scheduled for tonight in the country and got around to what was evidently planned as her reason for calling, told Ann we had such a lovely family there and that four was enough; also, that when we met them out there, she and the Dr. wanted to talk to Ann as to what we could do about it. Well, Ann controlled herself till the conversation was over, had herself a good bawl, not because of any effect the proposed lecture would have on minds already made up, but because everything was so near, and by the time she called me, she had herself well under control and was going out there to say her piece in return, regardless of the outcome. Ann's reply was going to be if the house hinged on our personal and religious beliefs, then they could stick it up the nearest cow. This morning she was still determined and I continued to back her up. We were ordered to leave the kids home and Arlene was down in the mouth over missing out on a championship soft ball game this evening. Then, I got a call at 9:15 this morning, Mrs. B. herself, canceling tonight's meeting due to a headache. Ann's happy we don't have to go and doesn't attach as much significance as she did yesterday, but the thing's still there and she firmly intends to have it out before we make the break.

Turning to something a little lighter, I may or may not have told you about Mike and Kathy's daily excursions to summer school. Ann says it would do your heart good to see Kathy get snazzied up, tell Stevie she's going to school and go trotting down the yard. Arlene, already over there, waves an arm out the window when she arrives safely, and Kathy spends the morning, if she feels like it, with checkers, paints and games. Yesterday, right after lunch, Mike came home from over school and got ready to take a nap. He had his shoes off when he remembered to say "Mommie, I'm on Mrs. Van Sant's list to go to California." Ann said that was nice and that she would miss him, being away so long. He said that California wasn't far, was it. Ann told him it would be two or three weeks and hoped we would be out in the country by that time. He thought it over for a few minutes, then sat on the floor and began pulling on his shoes. And asked what was up and Mike said, "I gotta get my name off that list" and went sailing out the back door.

[Editor's Note: The bottom half of this letter is damaged. Read the remaining part by clicking on the image at the top of this letter]


Editor's Notes:
Charles' family is moving from Catonsville. Charles' employers, the Burtons, have promised him the use of one of their houses in Long Green Valley.

Next Posting: August 15 1952

Copyright 2012 Stephen A Conner

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