Monday, August 6, 2012

Worrying About Houses

Wednesday, August 6, 1952

Dear Andrew and John,

We don't know if we'll be moving on August 18 or not now, but this time it's not the fault of our new landlords. We just haven't sold the house yet. We brought the price down another thousand and still no apparent bites so I've been on the 'phone the last two days to learn why. The reason is not that the people don't want it - they do, but though the Government has relaxed the restrictions on down payments for homes and only require about $800 down for a house such as ours, I found out yesterday that about six persons actually wanted the house but the banks and loan companies want about four thousand down and the balance paid off in ten years instead of twenty. And it's not just because our house is older that they're doing this. Even on new homes. There's a couple working on it right now that haven't given up yet; Mr. Scop knows them. They were up to see him yesterday trying to get him to back them. He offered some suggestions and told me last night when I dropped by from school (filled in for Mrs. Brown) that they will know definitely by Thursday--tomorrow. I'm going to wait till then and if nothing happens I'll ask Schatz what he thinks of Cimino. He probably won't tell me because he handles all of their real estate but Mrs. Bellis told Ann again yesterday that they are still waiting to hear from him and they are asking ten thousand. I don't know what to do but we have decided that we can't move out until the place is sold because the kids would wreck the place. Ann is so darn nervous she was sick all Monday night. But we're trusting that our prayers will, come through.

We've still got it easy compared to some. Ed and Marie are having a rough time. Marie was up to visit her Mother in Philadelphia all last week and now that she's back she's more dissatisfied than ever - she told Ann when she dropped by the house yesterday. She and Mrs. P. never talk to each other and she and Ed quarrel about moving every day. Ann is sure she's going to pack up and leave one of these days and maybe soon.

Mary Bellis and boy friend have notified their respective parents that they are going to get married next spring.

We were talking about your things last night and I'll see what we can manage to take with us. I'm sure you'll want to change into something as soon as you get home and the moth balls seem to be holding up very well. I'm happy to say the children have not gone into your room upstairs and I don't believe a drawer has been opened since you left.


Editor's Notes:
Charles' family is moving from Catonsville.
The Bellis' live next door. Ed and Marie are friends that live in the neighborhood.

Next Posting: August 8, 1952

Copyright 2012 Stephen A Conner

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